We welcome new members to our teams.
Please contact the executive director, with questions or to join a team.
Please click on the title of the team to be taken to specific team member information.
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team governs the Illinois Conference of Churches as needed including all personnel matters and planning the ICC Annual Assembly. The Leadership Team is led by two co-chairs, a goal to have one be a Judicatory Executive. The chairs of the other teams also sit on the Leadership Team.
Public Policy Team
The Public Policy Team takes a leadership role on public policy issues that impact ICC member judicatories. The team is vocal on concerns primarily before the Illinois General Assembly and Congress. The team carries out the portion of the ICC’s mission statement, “to make public, prophetic witness to Christ’s love for all people, and to address in particular, issues of poverty and racism.” It is this part of the mission statement that guides the PPT’s efforts as it works in consultation with the ICC’s Leadership Team and the Illinois Christians Encountering Racism (ICER) Team.
Illinois Christians Encountering Racism (ICER) Team
Illinois Christians Encountering Racism is a ministry focused on dismantling systematic racism and building bridges to racial wholeness within churches, institutions, and communities. ICER implements its mission by offering training to members within the ICC network of churches as well as to the community.
Annual Assembly Forum Team
The Annual Assembly Forum Team plans and implements a forum annually at the Annual Assembly to engage denominational representatives and judicatory executives in meaningful dialogue. The purpose of these forums is to address the portion of the ICC mission statement that declares the ICC will “…make visible our sacred bonds of unity in Christ by promoting an honest sharing and understanding of both our common and divergent theological convictions…”
Interreligious Team
The Interreligious Team grew out of the theme of the 2015 Annual Assembly “Transforming our communities through interreligious engagement: Working together for harmony and peace” and was also inspired by the Parliament of the World’s Religions 2015, held in the United States. The Team seeks to be an initiative for change, not just dialog.